Fresno American Indian Health Project Awarded Native Connections Grant
The Fresno American Indian Health Project (FAIHP) has been awarded a grant of $1 million over the next five years from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for the Native Connections project a cooperative agreement for tribal behavioral health services. As a member of CCUIH, we are excited to see FAIHP’s capacity […]
2016 CCUIH OSHPD Reports
As the state health care landscape evolves, it is vital that we keep track of how our clinics look through the OSHPD lens, as this data will be crucial to ensuring our clinics are properly represented in upcoming legislative advocacy efforts. We developed the CCUIH OSHPD Aggregate Patient Profile to provide patient population information for UIHO clinics in California and the […]
California Urban Indian Health Conference Presentations (2017)
The Annual California Urban Indian Health Conference was held this June in Sacramento. You can find the Powerpoint presentation slides, video, and documents from the legislative day at the Capitol from the conference below. Urban Indian SPACE Program Project Update Urban Indian Health Day at the Capitol Leave-Behind Materials