IHCSCV hires new Chief Executive Officer
The Indian Health of Santa Clara Valley, a member of the California Consortium for Urban Indian Health (CCUIH), has hired a new Chief Executive Officer, Sonya Tetnowski.
“We are very happy that Sonya is coming on board because she understands the diverse culture in San Jose and Santa Clara County, and is committed to building and maintaining the cohesion we have developed over all these years,” said Liz Hunt, current CEO of the Indian Health Center and one of CCUIH’s Board Directors. Liz will be stepping down into the Chief Operations Officer (COO) position.
Previously, Sonya was the CEO of the Lower Elwan tribe, located north of Seattle, Washington. She was responsible for overseeing a $27 million budget with a workforce of 398 staff and multiple functions including health, social services, and education. The Lower Elwan tribe serves both Indians and non-Indians, and employs a diverse workforce.
Soya is a member of the Makah tribe from Eastern Washington is also an army veteran. She grew up on her reservation until she was 18. Sonya understands from first-hand experience what it is like to relocate to an urban area after being raise on a reservation. She brings a wealth of knowledge with her to the Indian Health Center.
Sonya says, “You have to trust the people who are on your team. In most cases people can do it. We can tend to underestimate thevalue people bring to the table. I excel at leveraging off the strength of my team members.”
“The Board of Directors is confident that Sonya Tetnowski will take the Indian Health Center to the next level in providing high-quality health care to the American Indian and broader community,” said Chris Mele, M.D., Vice-Chair of the Indian Health Center’s Board of Directors.
CCUIH also looks forward to working with Sonya Tetnowski.
Tags: CCUIHmembers, IHCSCV