CCUIH’s Guide to Emergency Preparedness Organizations
The California Consortium for Urban Indian Health provides planning resources, training and technical assistance to consortia members to support ongoing Emergency Preparedness Planning. CCUIH has developed a Guide to Emergency Preparedness Organizations to assist with these efforts. This guide identifies emergency/disaster preparedness and response organizations that are relevant to CCUIH’s member Urban Indian Health Organizations, including national, statewide, regional, and local organizations. This document may be a resource to our member clinics and individuals residing in their service areas.
American Red Cross
(800) 733-2767
Provides emergency services and disaster reliefDepartment of Homeland Security
(202) 282-8000
Runs the emergency preparedness site, Posts the national threat advisory and other informationFEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency
(800) 621-3362
Involved in preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation in the event of national disasters and emergencies
Earthquake Safety for Kids
Resource-based websiteCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response
Provides many types of different trainings.National Weather Service
Provides weather, water, and climate data, forecasts and warnings.National Organization on Disability
Works to ensure that emergency preparedness planning includes people who are disabledDisaster Assistance
Provides disaster survivors with information, support, services and a mechanism to access and apply for disaster assistance through collaborative, data-sharing effortOccupational Safety & Health Administration
Regulates workplace health and safety standards.
OSHA 3122 – 2004 Principal Emergency Response and Preparedness – Requirements and Guidelines
(Required for clinics receiving IHS funding)Direct Relief
(805) 964-4767
Provides medical assistance to people who have been affected by disastersAreaVibes: Earthquake Safety Guide
Provides earthquake tips and resources. -
California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services
(916) 845-8510
Provides the latest information on wildfires and other disasters around the stateCalifornia Health Alert Network
Web-based information and communications system to distribute health alerts, dissemination of prevention guidelines, coordination of disease investigation efforts, preparedness planning, and other initiatives that strengthen state and local preparedness.Earthquake Country Alliance
(213) 740-1560.
Provides information and resources regarding earthquakesCalifornia Department of Public Health
Disaster Planning WebsiteCalifornia Preparedness Education Network
(530) 229-3979 (Northern California)
Provides no-cost emergency preparedness and response training to clinics, public health agencies and rural hospitals.Emergency Preparedness Resources for Native Americans
(916) 440-7749 (Patricia Lavalas-Howe)
Fosters collaborations between local, state, federal, and tribal/urban health care organizations for preparedness and response to disasters.Disaster Healthcare Volunteers
Online registration for public health professionals to volunteer for disaster serviceCalifornia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
(916) 650-6959
Facilitates cooperation, communication, and collaboration among nonprofits, community-based groups, government agents, and for-profit companies.Seismic Safety Commission
(916) 263-5506
Researches earthquakes, recommends policies and programs to reduce earthquake risk
The Great California Shake Out -
General Bay Area
American Red Cross Bay Area
Offers free online training and on-site training.- Bay Area Reporting: (866) 272-2237
- Follow Up: (415) 427-8010
- Office: (415) 427-8000
- Alameda: (510) 595-4441
- Contra Costa: (925) 603-7413
- Marin: (415) 721-2372
- San Mateo: (650) 259-1765
- Solano: (707) 438-7059
Emergency preparedness site for San Francisco and the Bay Area, provides information on disaster preparedness kits as well as information on what to do in the event of specific emergencies (fire, earthquake, etc.)San Francisco
City & County of San Francisco Department of Emergency Management
(415) 558-3800 Emergency Communications
(415) 487-5000 Emergency Services and Emergency Medical Services Agency
Works with emergency responders, community partners and residents to engage in comprehensive disaster planning for the City and County of San FranciscoSan Francisco Community Agencies Responding to Disaster
(415) 746-9099
Connects nonprofit, faith-based and private organizations with the network and knowledge they need to continue providing critical services after a disasterSan Francisco Fire Department Neighborhood Emergency Response Team
(415) 970-2022
Free training program for individuals, neighborhood groups and community-based organizations in San FranciscoEast Bay
Alameda County Emergency Preparedness
Public Health
Focuses on preparedness and response activities related to the health impact of any emergency in the county
Public Safety
(510) 208-5962
Provides resources, trainings, collaborative activities
Environmental Health
(925) 803-7803
Provides disaster preparedness information to the public regarding safe storage of emergency food and water supplies, safe disposal of sewage following a catastrophic eventAlameda County Fire Department
(925) 833-3473 ext. 1720 or (510) 632-3473 ext. 1720
Offers a variety of trainings to provide community membersAlameda County Public Health
Emergency Preparedness
(510) 208-5962
Creates guides, plans and templates
EMS Emergency Preparedness Response Team
(510) 618-2031
Works with 911 responders to ensure they are prepared to respond to disasters and emergencies.Alameda Health Consortium
(510) 297–0230
Assists member clinics to develop emergency prep plansAlameda County Emergency Managers Association
(925) 803-7800
Works with Operational Area and Coastal Region of the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services to maximize training opportunities and offer assistance where needed.Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disasters (CARD)
(510) 451-3140
Addresses the preparedness and response needs of service providers.Oakland Fire Department, Office of Emergency Services
Communities of Oakland Respond to Emergencies (CORE)
(510) 238-6351
Free emergency preparedness and disaster response training program for individuals, neighborhood groups and community-based organizations in Oakland
Learn, Lead, Lift
(510) 238-2326
Disaster justice pilot project (plans to expand to Fruitvale District)Oakland Medical Reserve Corps
(510) 238-2985
Enlists active and retired medical professionals and citizen volunteers to be deployed to support Emergency Management Systems.Santa Clara
Santa Clara County Office of Emergency Services
(408) 808-7800
Santa Clara County Emergency Alert SystemSanta Clara County Fire Department
Provides free trainings for personal and community emergency preparednessSan Jose Office of Emergency Services
(408) 794-7055
Coordinates government agency emergency planning and managementAmerican Red Cross Silicon Valley
(877) 727-6771 -
Sacramento County Office of Emergency Services
(916) 874-4670
Staffs the Operational Area Emergency Operations Center
Sacramento Ready
Provides preparedness, response, and recovery resources and service coordination.Sacramento County Public Health Emergency Preparedness
(916) 875-5881Sacramento Medical Reserve Corps
Engages medical professionals who want to donate their time and expertise to prepare for and respond to emergencies and promote healthy living throughout the yearSacramento Fire Department:
(916) 808-1300
Community Emergency Response TeamAmerican Red Cross Capital Region Chapter
(916) 993-7070Sacramento Regional Citizen Alert
Mass Notification services for potential safety hazards via voice or text -
City of Fresno Emergency Response
(559) 621-8000
The city does not have a dedicated department for emergency planning and response.Fresno County Office of Emergency Services
(559) 600-3357
Coordinates planning, preparedness, response and recovery efforts for disasters occurring within the unincorporated area of the CountyAmerican Red Cross Central Valley
(559) 455-1000Hands On Sacramento Disaster and Emergency Services Programs
(916) 447-7063
Designated to manage and coordinate volunteer disaster responseCommunity Emergency Response Team
(559) 621-2328
Trains community members in emergency preparedness -
Santa Barbara County Office of Emergency Management
Responsible for planning and coordination for the Santa Barbara Operational AreaPublic Health Department Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit
Provides practical information on bioterrorism readiness and response for the general public and healthcare professionalsCity of Santa Barbara Office of Emergency Services
(805) 564-5711SB County Fire Department – Community Emergency Response Team Program
Provides training so that community members can assist others during a disasterAmerican Red Cross Santa Barbara County
(805) 687-1331Listos
(805) 765-1489
Listos facilitates culturally appropriate Spanish language curriculum to educate and prepare Latino community members for emergencies or disasters.Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster Santa Barbara County
Fosters cooperation, communication, coordination, and collaboration (Membership-based)Community Awareness and Emergency Response
(805) 690-6654
Prepares for industrial accident, natural disaster, and utility mishaps involving hazardous materials (Membership-based) -
San Diego County Office of Emergency Services
(858) 565-3490
Staffs the Operational Area Emergency Operations Center
Ready San Diego
Provides a wide variety of resources and trainings.
San Diego County Emergency Site
Provides updates, contact information for other agencies, link to download SD emergency smart phone application.
San Diego Recovery
Works to maximize disaster assistance to eligible public and private entities and residents through various state and federal disaster assistance programsAmerican Red Cross of San Diego/Imperial Counties
(858) 309-1200San Diego Fire-Rescue Department
Community Emergency Response Team
Trains community members to respond to emergencies
Emergency Management Services
Coordinates mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, search and rescue211 San Diego
Works closely with the County of San Diego’s Office of Emergency Services to provide public information to the community and rumor control and trend analysis to County officials
Click here for a PDF version of CCUIH’s Guide to Emergency Preparedness Organizations
Tags: Emergency Preparedness