The Getting Real About Stigma Prevention (GRASP) HCV project is a statewide, community-driven, public awareness campaign to reduce stigma associated with HCV (Hepatitis-C Virus) in Urban Indian communities throughout California. GRASP-HCV works to combat stigma by promoting awareness, prevention, and harm reduction around HCV. The broader goal of GRASP-HCV is to reduce the stark health disparities of those Urban Indian individuals struggling with HCV and those in the community that are at the highest risk for developing the disease. Through our community-driven campaign, we will address the stigma associated with HCV and begin the healing process for those who are living with HCV as well as those who may be at risk.
The upcoming GRASP-HCV campaign will break barriers in stigma reduction by creating AIAN community access and empowerment to conversations about HCV. It will reduce stigma by promoting prevention, awareness, and harm reduction so AIANs feel a sense of hope and trust in their healing from HCV. We aspire to support those fighting the disease and who are longing for a better understanding and acceptance in the greater community.
The Campaign:
Below are examples of materials developed from extensive community engagement around the topic of Hepatitis-C stigma in the AIAN community. We hosted talking circles and attended powwows and other local gatherings where we asked the community for their opinions, outlooks, and perspectives to create these community-informed posters to spread awareness and knowledge about Hepatitis-C stigma.