Join us for the California Urban Indian Health Conference

The Annual California Urban Indian Health Conference will be held on Friday, June 23rd and Saturday, June 24th at the Hyatt Regency (Capitol View Room), Sacramento. CCUIH will host a dinner reception on Friday night.

Pre Conference Event: Urban Indian Health Day at the Capitol, Thursday, June 22nd.

Hotel Room Block Reservations

Reservations at the Hyatt for June 21-24 can be made at this web address:               


Click here to view the Conference Agenda


Steps for Registration:

There are two registrations for this conference. If you plan to attend both the Day at the Capitol on Thursday June 22nd, as well as the Friday and Saturday on sessions on June 23rd and 24th, please complete both registrations. 

1.) To register for the Urban Indian Health Day at the Capitol, please fill out the registration form below. Scheduled time for this event is yet to be finalized:

2.) To register for the Urban Indian Health Conference sessions on June 23rd and 24th, please fill out the registration form below:


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