Featured Intern: Kristin Rose Costa
This week we feature Kristin Rose Costa, our Communications and Operations Intern. In this position, Kristin supports the CCUIH team through communications activities, planning for our Annual Conference, and other program support.
Read her bio below:
Hello! My name is Kristin Rose Costa, and I am the Communications and Operations Intern at CCUIH. I am a recent graduate of Azusa Pacific University, where I received my BA in Global Studies. While pursuing my degree, I interned for Musicians without Borders in Bethlehem, Palestinian West Bank and Holy Land Trust. While abroad, I focused my research project documenting music therapy practices with refugee children with special needs. In Los Angeles, I served as the Community Organizing Intern for Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE-LA). Prior to this, I have served in South Africa with Hamba Ekukanyeni (Walk in the Light) and in South Korea with Global Vision Christian School. I spent a year serving with The Foothills Church in Gilroy, California and primarily assisting with music and teen mentorship.
Through my varied experiences, I furthered my passions concerning social justice, empowering vulnerable communities, and human rights. After spending a considerable amount of time learning from the incredible indigenous communities in the Palestinian West Bank and in South Africa, I was urged to work in my home of California to come alongside and help further the rights of American Indians. This led me to CCUIH, where I have the honor to support and learn from the amazing staff as the Communications and Operations Intern. I am also concurrently acting as the new Communications Associate for As You Sow in Oakland, California.
In the near future,I hope to attain a master’s degree so that I may work towards an impactful career in social justice and crisis relief.
Tags: interns